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Talks and Workshops

Upcoming - spaces available

Exam stress
a parent's survival guide

11 October 2022
12 to 2pm
Langham Road - Teddington, UK

This workshop is for parents whose children will be taking examinations this year. They wish to think ahead and plot their approach to supporting their children through the challenges.


The primary aims of this talk are to help parents:

  • gain a better understanding of the mental and emotional states that often dominate in times of exams and how to navigate these

  • create a supportive environment tailored to their children’s needs as well as their own

  • empower their children to better know themselves and take ownership of the challenge


The 2-hour workshop - backed by neuroscience and clinical practice - is experimental. It blends talk and exercises. It is intended for a small group of attendees (10 attendees).


The fee per attendee is £50.


Please book below or register your interest at

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